A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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A cozy open world RPG where you’ll meet lovable quirky characters, live amongst them as a member of the community, and help guide them through the dark and desperate times that await them.

  •   Find and Tame pets that follow you on your adventure. Bond with them, keep them happy, and they'll love you in return.
  •  Meet Villagers and build lasting relationships. Some may even become party members that fight by your side.
  •  Explore the magical world of Emora. Throughout your journey you'll encounter giant mushroom caverns, enchanted woods, the nightmarish realm of a sleeping god and more.

  •  Cast powerful spells. Summon your own skelly minion to fight with you or protect yourself with an ethereal magic armor.
  •  Decorate and upgrade your home. Place items like chests for storing your loot, a kettle for cooking, or just a nice rug to spruce the place up a bit.

  •  Collect bugs like common butterflies in the forest or rare beetles deep underground.
  • Seek out fishing spots and cast your rod to see what you can catch. But beware, skellies will sometimes go boney dipping.

This is a demo for Kickstarter! If you like this project then go see what cool rewards you can get, like Alpha access, art books, and Teddy's Diary!


StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(41 total ratings)
AuthorGame Endeavor
GenreAdventure, Action, Role Playing
Tags2D, Cute, Fantasy, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer, Story Rich


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ZatCD_win64_0.2.6.zip 25 MB
ZatCD_Linux_0.2.6.zip 26 MB
ZatCD_MacOSX_0.2.6.zip 27 MB

Development log


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i wonder how the rework will be like, this is very fun.

Thank you! It's going to have a lot of enhancements. I was on a tight deadline making this, and so wasn't able to get around to everything I wanted to, namely more of the RPG elements. The rework has a weapon / tool forging system, enchanting, and cheese crafting. The story is about the same but polished a lot more, improved art, more exploration. Overall improvements on just about everything. :)


Such a charming, funny game! I can’t wait to see the full version!

i havent watched the tutorial yet. But did u make the sword and the player 1 asset or 2 seperate ones. Im still new in game development

I never made a tutorial on it, but it's separate sprites so that I can move the sword independant of the player.

Thank you very much for replying.


Love this game! Can't wait for more!


Thank you! I'll be posting an updated demo Soon™️, it'll be a big improvement. :D


Yay! I'm looking forward to it. I've been trying to find other games to play as I wait for yours, but nothing seems to scratch my itch the same. If there's anything I can do to help, lemme know! I am a bit of a Godot game developer as well.

Hey, was the dev dropped? I really like the idea!

No, development is still going strong. I'm mostly active on my Discord where I post updates. :)

Deleted post

can i get the assets?

No, the assets are not for others to use.

I kinda wish there was saving


good game there is a funny glitch i kept abusing tho

Deleted 318 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago

This was an absolute blast to play! I cannot wait to see what the finished version looks like. It's rare for a game to pull me and hold my attention like this one has :)

wow what a fun game ,i like it

Hi...is there is a clear explanation of how enemy ai was made in this project with codes on your Patreon??? i am really lookin forward learning from you.

When will the full version come out?


Due to the Kickstarter being unsuccessful, this project is postponed while I work on smaller projects, so not for a while.


Why limit the name to 8 characters? That's so frustrating.


I love the combat system, though the sound effects of dialogue need work.

There's a problem with the audio. If you re enter the cave before you go back to town the cave music will still play when you're into the overworld until the next cutscene.

Very epic otherwise.


thank you for make it for linux omg :DD


you can use a chest in your inventory to push yourself making you be able to go out of bounds and go super fast

(1 edit)

Been watching your vids and love how much passion you are putting in this project.

To bad i wasnt able to join the kickstarter as it has been cancelled

What youve got so far is fun, looks really promising, and I love the style. 

A couple of suggestions, Make the map larger and have a compass rose on it. Sometimes we forget which way East and West are. 

I also couldn't figure out how to place the chest you can buy from the wood cutter.  


Really love what you have going on here. I think the combat and characters are nice, but I would've loved if there was controller support that was also remappable. I also think that the mc either looks too generic and/or doesn't fit in with the look of the townies. Like, the mc is too short and wide when you stand beside any of the other npcs.


So, I recently found your devlogs and wanted to give some feedback after playing. Firstly, everything on the map is too far spread out. Walking through the town is boring and unfun. I know it makes sense for it to be a small spread out village but all it's doing is padding play time. Secondly, the action combat is AMAZING. That being said, having roll set to the adrenaline system is very clunky and obtrusive. Consider a cool down system. Thirdly, as others have pointed out, there's a bug where a chest you're trying to place has collision and can move the player. Finally, the concept is fantastic but the pacing is slow. This is part of the town being too far apart, but overall it feels weird to explore and go through the plot.


Just messing around with the demo, I haven't discovered how to place down the chest or the wardrobe that I purchased.
However I learned that it's possible to push the player around with the preview of the furniture, resulting in some pretty amazing speeds.
I can also be used to push npc's around. Pretty fun to mess around, but I smell some game breaking stuff in case this stays.


I too found this bug. I called it "dresser dashing." It can be used to super-easily get out of bounds, especially on water (and you can push NPCs out of bounds, too). It's not as easy to get back into bounds once done, though. Also, when you're out of bounds, unsurprisingly, a lot of pathfinding stuff breaks. It can also break simply from the speeds of the thing. 

Dresser dashing also allows you to move your character or other characters around in certain cutscenes, which can break them or allow you to get out of bounds in a different way.

Witch of the lake, what is your wisdom?

Did I mention the softlocks? I don't think I mentioned the softlocks. You can softlock. Anyway, the game is fantastic and I hope you keep developing it because right now the worst thing about it is that I want to keep playing and there isn't anything outside of the demo.

It is very fun, I would love to play more than the demo! Just one little comment: I could see some lines in the screen as I moved through it, not sure how to describe it.

Awesome Game, Inspiring Game Dev! its a must play, one can tell all the love and hard work put into it! <3


Thank you! Indeed, this is the greatest passion project I've ever had. My heart and soul is in this. ♥

Wait, I haven’t left a comment here? Awesome game, great dev, you can feel the passion put into this project, awesome

Thank you!

really great game I love the the art just wondering what happened to the devlogs?

I just made one two days ago. :) I put them on hold temporarily to focus on this.

oh ok yeah I saw the one you uploaded two days ago i really love please keep making more great devlogs

Looks great!

Please tag the downloads for their respective platforms so they can be installed using the Itch app.

Looking forward to seeing this game progress further!

(1 edit)

Fixed, thank you! I'll have to remember to do this for every update, haha.

If you replace the files with the updates instead of removing old files and uploading new ones then the tags will remain. You can also simplify the process of uploading new builds by using Butler.


This game is really good

Thank you!

Had an awesome time playing through the demo.
I did find a bug though,I played through it twice and in the second playthrough where you were supposed to give the carrot to Truffles,it bugged and no matter how many times i would try to give the carrot,it would show some text saying" I should give this to Truffles" and also Claire kept getting stuck at the doorframe to the Wizards house.
That is all for now,really looking forward to the development of this game ^-^

Thank you. :) Interesting bug with Truffles, I'll take a look. To be sure, you need to interact with him to give him the carrot. If you left or right click then you'll try to eat the carrot which causes that bit of text. My guess is you might've been clicking. I need to do better at that though, I felt like it would be an issue.

Claire getting stuck in the door frame is a new issue, lol. It started happening when I optimized the collision checking to only do so if she was near enough to a wall, so that's probably why. I'll be taking a look at that. :) If it happens again before I can fix it, you can actually give her a little nudge. Her separation logic will push her through the door frame.

Such a good demo, and it keeps getting better with every update. Happy to be part of the playtesting team and this community :D

Thank you! I'm pretty happy with the updates. The next ones are going to be even better I think. Next one adds a map, and the one after that should add new enemies. ♥

Another Bug. I was heading back to the village after the cave and the game crashed. This may be because I ignored the monsters so maybe it overloaded with gameobjects.

(2 edits)

When the game kicked you back to the title? Currently having an issue in the release version with this. I think Godot doesn't like how I'm storing certain nodes. Game objects get disabled when they're too far offscreen for performance reasons, so that shouldn't be the issue.

I'm looking into the issue though. :)

Really Enjoyed the game! When I use the axe I have 3 hands. Also the keys for the game are rather weird and uncomfortable. I really hate E to talk to Villagers and Tab for Inventory. I feel Like it should be the other way around.

Thank you! There are keybind settings in options so you can change this. :)

For win 32 please?

I will need to do some more optimization first. Due to the complex enemy ai and other various things I'm doing, the game is a bit resource heavy. I built for 32bit, but it's really laggy.

This is amazing! I super duper love the art style and I like where the story is going so far. I like the combat system too and looking back at the itch.io page I had no idea you can tame those brown plant things! I really like this game so far so here are some changes I would make for it to be better.

  • Maybe change the font to a pixelated one? Like when you input your character name it uses a pixel font
  • The character portraits? I know it's just a kickstarter and I do think it's gonna change in the future, plus with your amazing art style I'm sure it'll look spectacular in the future
  • Like the others said I got lost in the town and often ended up where I was before
  • I think it would be best if it was open world instead of being forced to go somewhere. The text, "you cant go there right now" sound out of place so maybe just add some barriers that will unlock or can be destroyed later on as you progress

Overall this game is fantastic and I hope that you'll be able to finish and release this game in the future. Best of luck!

(2 edits)

Howdy! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) About the taming, it's kind of an approach that I want to take with the design where I don't tell you everything, but let you figure it out on your own. I do need to hint at the sprouts more though. One thing I plan to do is have the sprout in the corner have berries all over its face with berries scattered around the area. We'll see if that helps. :)

Originally I was using a pixelated font but I found it was difficult to read, which is pretty important in a story rich game. If I can find a pixel font that I think is easy to read and I like the aesthetic, then I'll change it. But I decide to go with readability over adhereing to the pixel art style.

The next update will hopefully include a map. :)

It would be a lot of work for me to make the demo open world. That's a lot of areas to craft for something you're only supposed to play for 10-15 minutes. Plus I like the idea of starting linear and then opening up. Sort of like how Oblivian / Skyrim have you be an escaped prisoner, but the world opens up after that. That's my plan.

Thank you for playing!

Me and my little brother had a blast (he played it through twice actually to check out both of the dialogue options with the Lumberjack). Loved the writing and the characters. Everything about them from the art to the dialogue is warm and fuzzy :)

Some nitpicks:

-Very linear, which is entirely understandable for a demo. Presumably, you're gonna open it up a lot more in the final game. If you up the exploration, and keep the mandatory cutscene moments to a minimum, this game will amazing!

-My little brother was disappointed that he couldn't place the pot on top of the dresser, lol :)

-The fire particles look like dust particles at first glance. The skeles in the GIF on this page look like they stink like Pigpen from Charlie Brown

-I'm on a big monitor, and the game window is one size. I understand this is a limitation of the demo. Just putting that out there.

All that aside, can't wait for the full game. The demo was very fun for how small it is- I just wish there was more of it!

PS: Not enough frogs and turtles stealing Viking helmets "For the War Effort" ;)

Howdy! I'm glad to hear you had a good time playing it. :) Placing a pot on top of the dresser is a good idea. I plan to do some surfaces like tables, but didn't even consider dressers. Will look at those as well when I can.

Hahaha, I'm going to be redoing Lafo's character introduction very soon. I was going to have him looking for his helmet and it completely slipped my mind that I could get the frogs in there too. Look for that in an update soon. :D

The demo is pretty cool. Congratulation for "kickstarting" it.
I like what you've done, and want to give you some feedback.

  • Some tutorial would be useful because when you must give your carrot, you don't know how to open your inventory (and my carrot was in it), don't know how to use it with pig. (I found it, but what about 'regular' users ?)
  • I like the combat AI
  • I like the sword swinging system
  • The Music is cute but feels too "academic" (really subjective)
  • A bit laggy on my laptop (not a gamer one)
  • Not installable using itch app. (I like to use it because it's easier when you have to install a game (very useful during game jams ))
  • Really cute and nice graphics and animations
  • Good sound-fx

That's a Great work.

I Hope you the best your game !

Thank you for the feedback. :) What do you mean by too academic? As in inexperienced? It's the best I can do with only 3 months of studying music, but will get better in time. :)

I'm totally not an expert in music, but I fell like I "see" the music tracks. The music sounds great and is cute, but perhaps miss some background add (don't know exactly what). And I'm sure it will be better in time. Keep up the good work.

Amazing work! Been following your development for a while now and it was so much fun getting to play through the game. I was surprised at the amount of content in the demo! Really fun play through and only noticed a few small bugs that i'll mention below:

- After finishing the demo, the cursor is no longer visible in the main menu for some reason. But you can still select options, I think it's stuck behind the UI.

- I noticed my skele minion got stuck in the corner of the lady wizards house when u go rescue the pig. He was spazzing out.

- There seems to be a lot of jitter with the player and npcs when you move. Not sure if it's just me but it's quite noticeable.

Howdy! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) 1st bug should be fixed already, 2nd one is going to be a working progress, haha. One of the most difficult issues I've had with the way I'm handling movement in the game is keeping ai from spazzing out from time to time. Unless you mean them getting stuck on a while, which I don't have full path-finding yet but that's planned soon. That should correct that kind of behavior. And the jitter might be fixed? I was doing a custom borderless fullscreen window because I don't like true fullscreen, but ever since I did that people have been mentioning jitter so I put it back, ha. Might be a vsync thing, I'll look into it soon.

No worries! I'm sure the ai stuff will be an on going task of this project but keep up the good work friend! I'm excited to see your game continue to develop and can't wait to play it's finished release!

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