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A downloadable asset pack

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Create the cutest 2D games with this top-down RPG asset pack! This series focuses on a cute 16 bit pixel style with bright colors that will make people want to play your game!

This is an ongoing project that will be updated regularly with lots of content added over time, so let me know if there’s anything specific you want me to create. I want to include you as part of the development of these assets.



  • Adorable rustic environment
  • A slime so cute it could be a pet
  • Polished animations

Planned Features

  • More Characters: Heroes, NPCs, enemies, bosses, etc
  • New Areas: Caves, houses, forts, and more
  • Immersive Content: Maps, UI, inventory


Follow me on Twitter to get updates on this project!


Free version

  • You can only use these assets in non-commercial projects.
  • You can modify the assets.
  • You can not redistribute or resale, even if modified.

Paid version

  • You can use these assets in commercial projects.
  • You can modify the assets.
  • You can not redistribute or resale, even if modified.

Credit is appreciated but not required (

I would love to play your games, so let me know in the comments if you use these assets!

If you’re one of my Patrons then be sure to link your account to get this and future asset packs included as part of your patron perks!

I have a Discord server where I post about my game development journey and others share what they're working on. 

Rate this project if you enjoy it, so that others can find it too!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(239 total ratings)
AuthorGame Endeavor
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
Tags16x16, 2D, Cute, Exploration, Pixel Art, Retro, Sprites, Top-Down


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if you pay $2.99 USD or more

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(1 edit)

Can someone please explain this to a beginner:

I bought these sprites today and it is written that this is a 16 x 16 Tile size pack. So I created a 16x16 map and imported it together with the player sprite in my game (I use pygame) . But the Player on that map is as big as a tree. How can I fix that? In the readme it says that the player sprite is 48 x I have to create the map im 48x48 too to fix the proportions? 

Thanks in advance

(1 edit)

The player is on a 48x48 grid, but most of that is padding (for me to have some extra room for animations in the future). The player should fit on a 16x16 grid, and the map tiles should be at 16x16. What engine are you using? It sounds like a scaling issue. The resolution of the player's pixels should match the map tiles.

Honestly, this was the one I needed, but please add some more characters not required for the premium version. Thanks for your work!

This looks great, but I hadn't seen it until now because it doesn't have the "16x16" tag that I normally use to filter. You should add it!


Done, thanks. :)

(1 edit)

Thank you, Cool sprites! I took some insperation of pixel style

Check them out in my game!



HEY! I used your asset in my new tower-defense

Thank you and check it out.

Deco Proteco Vido 


How do you create these assets? Is it some kind of digital art app? Pls say the name.

Aseprite. :)


ok but that is not a free software. Do u know any free software for this purpose?

Asesprite is open source, you can compile the source code yourself and then it is free.

Ok thank you

PS what do u think of Krita

Not sure if you're still looking but you could try something like pixilart or piskel. I believe they're free and on the web. There's also libresprite which is basically a free aseprite.

I've compiled aseprite from source myself and honestly it's worth just paying if you can spare the money. it's a great pixel art program.

I haven't used krita myself but I hear it's in general a good drawing program. Might be worth a look.

Ok i did download the files but i don't know how i should compile it :( .  Can anyone help me out?

there's also pixelorama for specifically pixel art based stuff (tentative) and that's also free :3

(1 edit)

thanks :)


Thanks a lot for sharing this art, I used your character for this game


Hi, I am a 5th grade teacher making a simple story-driven game that follows the book The Phantom Booth. I am curious about the possibility of making sprites and/or other assets that would fit the game, and what that might cost if you were able? More so the characters than anything else. Thank you


Hi, I was wondering if I could publish my game with the player sprite. I changed up the hairstyle and clothing. I just used it as a base that i kind of traced over. I attached a file of the character i designed from your base player.

You can, yeah. :) That looks great.


Hello, a simple question, could I publish my game for free, just as a practice, and so that people can give me advice, since I am new to programming, if I use your sprites. In addition, I will mention the creator of these sprites and the itchio page

Yeah, these sprites are meant for you to use. :) Good luck with your game! Programming can be some of the best fun you'll have.

(2 edits)

Hello is there any way possible that you could create some sprites where the slime opens his mouth and shoots out like slime balls, because in my game I am using the slime as my main character for Godot and I want him to be able to do damage to enemies. 

(2 edits) (-1)

I realize that I’m asking you to do me a favor. If it’s fair what would you normally charge for doing this?  I understand if you would want me to pay you for this.

That's a neat idea, I'll consider it. I won't take money for it, but I'm a game developer myself and spend most of my spare time working on that, so it could be a while. :)

Thank you for your consideration. Do you think it would be possible for me to create the frames myself? 


For sure, it seems like a pretty simple modification. :)

how can i give u credits?

However you like. You're not required to, but if you want then you can just mention me as Game Endeavor. :)

I have a question about the license for the free version. I am a teacher teaching game design to 8th graders. My school has an aggressive web filter that blocks most things game related.  So I can't just link the students to this resource page because is blocked.

If I were to download some of your assets, post them on a webpage on my classroom site, give credit to you, share the license information, and link back to this webpage (even though it will get blocked at my school); would this be violating the "You can not redistribute or resale, even if modified" portion of your license?


Normally it would, but I'll grant an exception for this since it's for education. :)

It would be cool if you could add the following to your license: "Educators working for a publicly funded school may redistribute these assets to their students for non-commercial, educational purposes."

Probably not required since using your assets is likely allowed under Fair Dealings / Fair Use, but most students in public schools will not be able to access your assets through due to domain blocking for "games", and many teachers will just choose to use CC0 assets instead.

How do I buy the paid version? I bought this and donated what I could at the moment thinking that was how you did it. I dont see any link to get the paid version.

(1 edit)

Howdy. :) That's odd. I see the payment, so you should be good. It'll show up on the download page. It should say up top that you paid for the assets, and give a download link. You should see two files, the free one '' and the one you want ''. If not you may need to put in a support ticket with itch.


ok had a dumb moment, didn’t even think of looking in the other folder

Ah, good. Glad to hear you found it. xD And thank you for purchasing it. :)


hi this asset is very good, but the hitbox is too big  pls make the hitbox smaler


I don't control the hitbox, that's whatever engine you're using. These are just art assets.


I really love this Assets~

I m still new to game dev,hope we can have more exchanges in the future^^


how i can get the water tileset for free :(?

You can look at the preview screens and use your own software to painstakingly recreate the tileset, pixel by pixel. Or maybe pay to support a great content creator.

im new to game dev, i want to practice using this as character. mind if i use it.

Go for it. :)

(1 edit)

Yo, I wanted to create an rpg game on Godot with these assets, do you mind if I use them? Don't worry, the game I will be making won't be released to any kind of platform like steam or play store. It's just a little project  for me and my friends.

Go for it, these assets are meant to be used. :)

hey I'm making a game and was wondering if i was allowed to use these assets and post it on steam and not get in trouble for i


You are allowed, but if you're selling your game then you need the premium version of the assets. Good luck with your game. :)

okay thank you for telling me and good luck on your assets


I would love to see how you would make caves! Sometimes there could be caves that hold treasure :D


I'm working on a cave asset pack right now! :D


I would love to see some buildings! I'm specifically looking for a church and a witches hut/cottage.


That's a good idea. I'll add it to the list, towards the top of the list, because I agree. Don't know about those specific buildings, but we'll see. :)


Thank you! I'm excited for this. I slay saw you were working on caves.

(1 edit)

Hi i bought the asset pack but im going to use it on game maker, but i have some troubles with the firts square that GM requires to be empty, can i contact you?

You can resize the sprite so that the top-left corner is blank. It will create more blank spaces than you need, but will still work. Just add one tile size to the left

Recently, I wanted to enable the player to switch weapons. I wonder if it’s possible to separate the player’s attack movements from the weapons? It would be more convenient to replace weapons. Thank you.


Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll see about doing that in the next update. :) You can make the changes yourself, if you're asking.

My artistic talent is zero XD. If you have time, I hope you can update it. Thanks!




Hi! I loved using this asset pack and I used it for my first game jam! I made a dark grey skeleton and a purple and orange slime so I'd have a larger variety of enemies.


Eyyy, nicely done! I like the circular sword attack you went with. It makes you think about positioning yourself while also letting you focus on just not taking damage. :)

Hi, i bought your pro version, and i was wondering how you can create dust when he walks ? pls help me here

It's meant to be used in a particle system of your engine. Every engine handles this differently, but you should be able to find tutorials for it on YouTube. I'll add prerendered dust effects in a future version. :)


OK thanks for the answer !

Hey there! I bought your Pack 2 weeks ago and finally managed to put them to use! Its my first project with unity and im having loads of fun, especially with this nice pack! I made some little tweaks to the main character because i needed him to play a flute, nothing fancy really, but looks cute. i could pass you the png in case u are interested.  Great job and thanks alot! :)

Pleaes do! I would love to see it. Glad you like the pack, and good luck with your project. :)

Cool! shall i just put the png in here?

Sure. :)


allrighty, here ya go!


Hi. I just bought your premium version of the pack and I want to say that I love it. I am a beginner game dev and your asset pack is exactly what I needed to start working on my first actual game. 

I am looking forward to any next updates you bring :).


Eyyy! Thank you very much, glad you like it. :) Good luck with gamedev. It's challenging, but very rewarding.

Hi. Great work.
Are there any plans to add a type of magic wand - action. Im making a wizard game, with - well - wizards using wands to cast spells.
Will pay extra for this :-)


I haven't considered it before, but that's an interesting idea. I'll add it to the list, thanks. :)

Oh, thanks for your reply. A mage would be awesome.


I'm working with your amazing assets on Unity. I'm pretty new in game dev but I made a tile rule for roads and figured out that sprites were missing for some cases. 

So I created it with your asset and I would like to contact you to get your opinion as well as offer you to simply add these to your assets (precising that this is moslty for tile rules for Unity).

Sorry for my english and I hope I didn't do that for nothing cause I don't know unity good enough XD

Keep doing such a great work!

(This allow to combine all type of roads as in example with ONLY painting mode, NOT tile by tile by hand)


Eyyy, looks great. Yeah, I'll add them. :)

I also can provide you the Aseprite file and a png of Unity rule Tile I made if needed (can be messy to find the proper rule with 46 conditions)

(1 edit)

That's alright. I should be able to recreate them myself. It's been on my list, I just ain't got around to it yet. :) Thank you though.


Hey! We just created our first indie game! And yours assets were a big part of it!
Thank you so so much!

Eyyy! I just played it, nicely done. :) Congrats on your first game. :)


I have a suggestion can you make a female version?

That's the very next thing on my todo list. Should be the next update. :)

ok ;)

Can  use the name of it for the game im making with it?

You can. :)

ok thanks!

Thanks you!I want to make my game but I didn’t have any assets!you help me so much!

Glad you like them. Good luck with your game!


Thank you so much! I love it!


Thank you so much, I bought your assets and I finally made my game! I even learned how to draw pixel art better, you deserve more customers!


Eyyy! Congrats on finishing your game! Would this be your first game?


It's a weird concept, for now it's not available for sale, but I use it to simulate a battle royale between Instagram comments on a IG page 😅 My first game on steam will definetly use that art tho, I love it! I even edited them to make a character creation! If you want to look at the "game" you can look at "Social Battle Royale" on Instagram!


Honestly, I thought it was wonderful, the issue of both proportionality and depth, shading, from the colors to the finish of the sprite, really is to be congratulated, I'm a big fan of your work, I'm always following you, thanks to you I managed to make my dream come true. I made my first game!

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